Welcome to Nursing Mama Tips, home for every woman who has made the informed choice to breastfeed her child, where you can get all the needed information and tools to enjoy a positive nursing experience.
Connect with us here via Google+, or here via Pinterest, or e-mail us at paige@breastfeeding.com / kiev@nursingmamatips.com.
We aim to provide support services to parents as well as wetnurses. Here, the knowledge and the product related tips help empowering them to overcome the trouble, pain and uneasiness endured while breastfeeding.
As a result, we would like to see you immersed in the joy of this intimate bond, which is uniquely found between moms and babies.
Join us and hit your breastfeeding goal while helping others to achieve the similar feat as well. Step inside this viable community. Experience it for yourself. You will soon learn that you and your baby’s best interest is always our top priority.
Thank you for being positive and constructive which in turn make our service and support consistently better for you. We always strive to be a wonderful piece of the jigsaw in your motherhood journey.
p/s All prices listed in the product reviews or other articles are in US dollar unless otherwise stated.
Paige & Kiev Wong
Love it. Wish all the moms had you guys before I had my kids. Keep up the great work! A lot of moms need you...